Ahhh… the power of suggestion!! That’s what I love most about Halloween. Merely suggesting that something may be something else can have a powerful impact on how your guests perceive the food that you are serving. Ketchup becomes blood, guacamole becomes puke, hotdogs wrapped in breadsticks become mummies. I can go on and on!
Well, these scorpion eggs are no exception. Simply taking a few powdered donut holes, arranging them on a plate and adding either gummy or plastic scorpions to them immediately transforms them from cute little powdered pastries to scary scorpion eggs! The irony is that I have no idea what a scorpion egg actually looks like, and I will assume that neither do many of my guests, especially if they are kids. But I guarantee, that no one will shy away from partaking in this unique delicacy! In fact, this was one of the most popular items at my recent Halloween taste test kitchen! Enjoy!