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An Easy Parent Coffee Buffet

Breakfast, coffee, buffet, breakfast buffet, parent coffee, fruit, quiche, cream cheese, party

Breakfast Buffet

I love it when I get to be chosen to host a parent coffee.  Breakfast is such a fun buffet to prepare, although I’m not always keen on waking up super early to get everything organized.  The good news, is if you plan it right, you can have mostly everything prepared the night before and simply lay things out the morning of the party.

These photos are from a parent coffee buffet I quickly created.

Breakfast, buffet, coffee, parent coffee, fruit, cream cheese, quiche, set up, breakfast coffee

Deviled eggs, bagels, croissants, and fruit.

I made the spicy deviled eggs the night before, which is perfect because it gave them a chance to really soak in the flavor. The bagels and pastries were purchased that morning, after I dropped the kids off at school.  I had also prepared the butter and cream cheese the night before and stored them covered in the fridge.

Breakfast, buffet, coffee, parent coffee, fruit, cream cheese, quiche, set up, breakfast coffee

Quiches, cheese, and crackers.

The simple quiches were made on the morning of. They are super simple to make and best of all, they make the house smell delicious for when the guests arrive. I added the cheese and crackers (because it’s so European and delicious) and as you can tell, they are simply Triscuits and cheddar cheese.  Just scooped them out of the packet… nothing too fancy.

Breakfast, buffet, coffee, parent coffee, fruit, cream cheese, quiche, set up, breakfast coffee

All in all, the parent coffee was a huge success and I enjoyed putting it together.