Candy Covered Cherries – Absolute Bliss!!
Can you guess what’s in season? Cherries, cherries, cherries!!! Why am I so excited? Because typically cherries are really expensive, I can easily pay $10 or more for a few pounds… but not when they are in season! I love cherries and honestly, I don’t need to do anything to them. I can just sit down and enjoy them individually, but when I’m planning a party, there is nothing like serving these cherries in a light candy coating! You can do chocolate, vanilla, or whatever coating you choose. Serve them in a martini glass with the rim dipped in candy coating as well, and you WILL be rewarded with oohs and aahs from your guests…this I guarantee!!
And the best part, it’s the easiest dessert to make. No baking, mixing, or tons of ingredients. So without further delay, here is the recipe:
1 pound of cherries
1/2 bag of white candy coating ( available at Michael’s or JoAnn’s). You can use chocolate too, I just like the contrasting colors of white and red. Great for the holidays too!
Melt candy. Wash cherries well and dry them completely. Put out parchment paper to rest your cherries on after you cover them with candy. Choose the cherries with stems, eat the ones that are missing the stems!!! While holding the stems, dip the cherries in the candy coating and place them on top of the parchment paper. Let them dry and serve. For an extra “wow”, dip a martini glass rim in the candy coating and add some gold or silver sprinkles. Let dry. Serve the cherries in the martini glass. These are also great to make a day ahead of time, store them in the refrigerator inside the glass.