Jack-O-Lantern Orange Fruit Cups (In a Pumpkin Patch)
Are you ready for an easy (and healthy) Halloween treat?! These wonderful fruit cups are made with oranges and… as you can guess… various fruit. I made these two jack-o-lantern fruit cups this evening for dinner and served them to my boys. Surprise! Surprise! I was officially the”Coolest Mom Ever”! Needless to say, after such a positive reaction, I made sure to add this to my recipe collection.
Making the Jack-O-Lanter was incredibly easy. I cut the top off each orange and scooped out the insides into a separate bowl. I washed the oranges, made sure they were completely dry, and drew jack-o-lantern faces on each with a permanent marker. I put the discarded oranges in a blender and blended until the entire orange was nothing but juice. In a separate bowl, I cut up apples, grapes, pears, mandarin oranges, and bananas. I poured some of the orange juice over the salad (use as much as you like) and refrigerated the salad for about an hour. Once the salad is chilled, I spooned it into the oranges and served.
If you are having a party and planning on serving many kids, you can place the jack-o-lanterns on a bed of kale to make it look like they are sitting in a “pumpkin patch”. It’s a beautiful presentation!