My Dollar Store Fall Wreath Is Ready!
I love fall and all the fun craft projects it brings. I recently went to my local dollar store and found bags of multi-color leaves which can be used for various fun craft projects. If you shop at the dollar store, you probably know the drill… if you see something you like, grab it because the chances of it being there the next time you come are pretty slim, especially seasonal items… so, I grabbed the leaves!
I needed to create a quick fall wreath and I thought, why not use the leaves! I feel like I need to add a disclaimer, which is that I’m not a crafty person. I don’t have a craft room or all those wonderful organizers for ribbons and pens which I covet on Pinterest! However, I did have some Elmer’s glue , scissors, and various wreath forms which I had left over from different projects. I chose to use one that was foam (the smaller one) and a larger one that was flat and made out of wood. I glued the leaves with Elmer’s glue (I know, I know, hot glue would have been much easier and faster to dry but I was out… I warned you, I’m not a crafter!) and each wreath had the leaves going in different directions. Once I secured the two wreaths together, I got one, very thick wreath that I would have not been able to create with any other ready-made wreath form. Also, since one wreath form was thick and one was flat, my wreath is 3 dimensional… LOVE!!!!