Simple and Adorable HALLOWEEN Goodies For Your Next Halloween Party!
As some of you may know, Halloween is my FAVORITE time of year. I love Christmas and Thanksgiving, but Halloween…. OH… it just gives me so many more opportunities to be creative! Plus, I also love seeing how creative other people can be and this is why I spend way more time than I should on Pinterest and Instagram looking for fun and innovative recipes for my Halloween parties. Each year, I throw a Halloween bash (or what I like to call a Halloween Taste Testing) every Friday for the entire month of October. I invite my friends, my sons’ friends and their parents, and anyone who wants to come! I ask everyone to bring a Halloween dish they love and we set it out on the buffet. Then, we all try what was created and talk about our favorites.
The below goodies were created by the many parents who attended and were considered the favorites of the taste testing! Enjoy!
The above Halloween Rice Krispie Treat Monsters are made just like any Rice Krispie treats. However, I also dipped the top portion in candy melts and my son decorated them with various sprinkles and candy eyes. They came out adorable.
My friend Rhae brought these healthy jack-o-lantern pepper snacks. A wonderful and healthy addition to the table!
This pretzel and mozzarella stick broomsticks are ADORABLE. I love the presentation as well. Just two ingredients and a wonderful salty addition to a sweet buffet! Way to go, Carrie!
One of the moms brought these Halloween Candy Corn Rice Krispie treats. I love how she packaged them (many kids took one home as a favor), brought them in a basket, and even displayed the recipe for anyone else who wants to try making them. So thoughtful!!
OOOOHHHH… SOOOO GROSS!!! But it’s Halloween… RIGHT??!! My friend Gina (not the one pictured above), is super creative and brought the ULTIMATE snack to the party! She needed some extra space and set-up time, but this incredible treat was a SHOW STOPPER!!! The kids loved it. She dressed up a skeleton and inserted a slow-cooker inside his chest filled with BBQ mini hotdogs or cocktail smoked sausages. She also brought Hawaiian buns to pair with the mini hotdogs. The kids (and adults) had a treat scooping the “guts” or hot dogs on to their plate. I know… I know… not for the faint of heart, but it’s HALLOWEEN!!!
You can’t go wrong with a cookie pizza and this dessert was a fun treat for our guests. Loved this creative idea from one of our moms!
These adorable brownie monsters made everyone smile! They are simple brownies with candied eyes and a gummy worm as a tongue! Another dessert winner on the buffet!
This dessert was such a fun idea Simply take any mini chocolate bar, insert pieces of pretzels for the legs and arms, and decorate with candy sprinkles on the body. You can make them look like anything, monster, spiders, and in this case, robots!
Hate trying to make your cake pops look perfect? Here’s the answer! These wonderful cake pops did not have to be perfectly round to be winners. Once they were dipped in candy melts, they simply were allowed to free form. After the candy melts set a bit, the mom carved in some faces, which also did not need to be perfect. Two thumbs up for this fun and creative dessert!
I love how these adorable desserts looked together!

My Halloween flowers. I love how some stores dye their flowers black during Halloween. It gives me so many ideas for arrangements. I also love the background of the skeleton. Sort of reminds me of a grave! Okay, now I’m getting a bit gory!
Adorable Halloween guests.
I always give two thumbs up to anyone who brings healthy desserts. This mom went all out and created these fun Halloween orange Jack-O-Lanterns. She filled them with fruit salad and voila!