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Tomato and Avocado Salad




Love tomatoes?  I’ve got a delicious salad for you!  This salad combines some of my favorites… tomatoes, avocados, onions, and basil!  Perfect summer or fall salad.  But seriously, can you picture this salad on your table during the holidays… red and green… perfection!! Here’s the recipe!

2-3 Large hot house tomatoes
1   Avocado
1/4 Cup diced onions
7-9 Leaves of fresh basil
1/4 Cup of Olive oil or Extra Virgin Olive oil.
Salt and Pepper to taste

Slice tomatoes and arrange on a plate.  Sprinkle diced onions on top and salt both tomatoes and onions well.  Set aside for 30 minutes.  Slice avocados and place on top of salad.  Pour olive oil over the salad.  Finish off with pepper and chopped basil leaves.  Serve immediately and enjoy!